How do you feel at work? Happiness in the workplace contributes to greater productivity and overall happier lives. Learn more about International Week of Happiness at Work and ways to improve how you feel at work.
Workplace happiness is important whether you’re a contractor, agency worker or permanent employee. Up to 25% of employees in the UK feel unhappy at work, due to reasons such as having a low salary and poor work-life balance. International Week of Happiness at Work (23rd – 27th September 2019) aims to change this statistic.
Agency workers in particular go through regular periods of adjustment as they transition through various roles and companies – and may work harder to feel motivated and satisfied in their jobs. We’ve put together tips to help improve your workplace happiness:
1. Choose roles that align with your goals
When it comes to agency work, there are a wide variety of roles to choose from. You may be in a situation where any reasonable role in your industry will do. If you have the opportunity to explore your options, this is your chance to find a role that will make you happy.
Whether your goal is a higher rate of pay, a shorter commute, to have work flexibility or greater autonomy, think about what will truly make you happy and strive to find a role that will achieve this.
2. Connect with colleagues
Technology can be partly blamed for the rise in loneliness in the UK; 9 million people in the UK suffer from loneliness and 42% of workers do not have a single friend at work.
Starting a role through a recruitment agency does not immediately isolate you and prevent you from associating with colleagues. Nurture your social side by making an effort with other colleagues: say good morning, start a conversation or even invite a colleague out for coffee or lunch.
If you work in a busy environment, being social is more important than ever as it helps prevent potential feelings of isolation on the job.
3. Take a break and step away
Taking a proper break from work, whether a quick walk outside or a coffee break, is crucial to supporting your health and happiness at work. Working all day without a break can increase stress and physical exhaustion – which can also affect life outside of work.
It’s especially important to remove yourself physically from your workspace to take a ‘brain break’. Approximately 40% of office workers eat at their desk, which actually negatively affects health and productivity levels.
4. Reduce stress and trust who you work with
Agency workers and contractors can experience stress due to extra responsibilities such as finding contract roles, speaking to recruiters and finding their own payroll providers. A shocking 40% of workplaces illnesses are reportedly due to stress.
One way to reduce stress is to work with people you trust. For example, developing good working relationships with two or three recruiters will reduce job-hunting stress and time spent searching for roles. And when it comes to getting paid, choosing an established and trustworthy payroll provder will ease your payday worries.
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Happiness at work is important
Being happy at work can improve mental health, productivity and ultimately progression – whether you’re an agency worker, freelancer or permanent employee. As an agency worker you should own your happiness at work and take steps to help yourself feel motivated and happy. Doing so will increase your chances of success and open opportunities for contract extensions.
Learn more about International Week of Happiness at Work.
Using an umbrella company is the easiest way to get paid
Using an umbrella company such as Umbrella Company UK is the easiest way to get paid as a contractor or agency worker. Registration is fast and free, and all of your tax and National Insurance deductions are done on your behalf so you are free to focus on your work.
Learn more by requesting a free take home pay illustration today.