Umbrella Company UK offers a compliant, hassle-free payroll processing service for contractors and freelancers in the UK. Our expert team will support you throughout your contracting journey with us, from initial sign-up through to your contract end.
The sign-up process is very straightforward and there is no joining or leaving fees when you choose us as your provider. When you sign up with Umbrella Company UK you will become an employee of ours and we will pay your salary via PAYE (Pay As You Earn). You will receive a payslip like a permanent employee and all the relevant deductions will be listed.
Your administrative requirements are minimal and once you’ve registered with us, you will only need to send us your signed timesheets.
Using an umbrella company is a simple way to kick start your contracting career or provide you with a hands-off approach to contracting. We will take care of the majority of the administration so you have more time to focus on contracting.